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Thursday, September 30, 2010

creative typography

These are done by Vladimir Koncar, so imaginative!
This Beard alphabet by Tim Yarzhombek
Lisa Rienermann did this building and sky alphabet
Truck rear alphabet by Eric Tabuchi
 All these I found on the same website This was only one page of the website, it also covers architecture, art, furniture, illustration, logos, packaging, photography, sculpture, typography.....there are several hours of potential homework-ignoring hours right here.

Mike Kus

is a graphic/web designer and illustrator based in the UK. He is a lead designer at Carsonified. I love their website, the typography and simple shapes used is so different.
The link:

Back to Mike, the ever tech-savvy Allan shared this link
This is Mikes description of the video:  As part of my (Mike Kus) talk at FOWD London 2009 I played this short film. It's sped up footage of me designing my slides for my talk. I showed it because I thought it would interesting to see the design process I went through whilst making them. It also features a lot of footage of slides being designed that never made it to the final slide deck. 

Its fascinating to see how his mind works while designing..

hey, ive seen that before..

I got all inspired by finding similar logos that i did a bit more research and found this page which has a feature on logos that look alike (meanwhile a sketchpad with the words 'ideas for branding' is beside me, as blank as the day i bought it)..

This is my FAVOURITE:
There are some really blatant rip offs which look like cut and paste jobs. Take a look, will definitely put a smile on your face. If you know of any other "influenced" designs email me or write it up on facebook!


Was desperate for inspiration for our shopping centre logo brief, here are some I found on the net. I think some work better than others.
after staring at this Watervale one for a while, it hit me....THATS THE SCIENCEWORKS LOGO!!
HAHAHA!! classic..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

book depository

If u havent heard of this site, get onto it!
Offers discounted books from all subjects, including usually ridiculously expensive design books. Here's a couple of books from my wishlist. PLUS they offer free shipping worldwide, what more could you ask for?


A big big thanks to Adrian for this website

Its a site where users can post and share images they have found on the net so theres a really good mix of of everything from book layouts, posters, photos, logos, illustrations n anything graphic related. Heres a tiny selection of my favourites!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

mid week pick-up brought to you by christoph niemann

going back to uni is always hard after 'break' (aka 'realize how little you have done from weeks 1-6 n frantically make up for it over 7 days') so heres a little something to ease the pain.
happy studying =)


Phibs is a Sydney based graffiti artist, but has done a few works in Melbourne as well. I saw him talk a couple of years back at AGIdeas and have followed his work ever since. I like his unique style, the moment you see his work, you know its his piece.
For more of his work, this is his website

Monday, September 27, 2010


the page views for this blog just past 200 =) thanks for all the support! keep all the awesome websites that you have been sending me coming n make sure u like this blog on facebook so you can keep up to date with new posts! theres plenty more coming..

Visual Language

If ur struggling to find a topic that u can use for the four posters, give this site a go.

Basically its a petition site that has all these different causes that you can put your name towards stopping. There is a section for environment, human rights, human trafficking, immigrant rights, poverty and more. There might be a cause that you have never heard about which could apply to any of the refugee, nationalism or natural resource themes.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Branding n Identity

Seeing as how we r designing a logo for a shopping strip, i thought this Caperino n Paperone brand is a clever example of how to apply a brand to different stores. I love it because the two dogs change with every country they are put in, might be a good idea to think of how your logo could change like this coz we r trying to represent a shopping strip with a wide range of stores. These cute characters were designed by Oliver Kuntzel n Florence Deygas for the Paris gallery Colette. Sorry about the dodgy photos! i took them from IDN magazine (Volumn 15 Number 2 2008).

 This Rio one is my fav, the feather head dress is SOO Rio!!