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Thursday, September 23, 2010


thanks for reminding me about this site Angela, i cant believe i forgot to add this!!
Basically all the important business-y side to design, which we should all know about, but probs dont, haha! so get urselves educated people!

The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) is the national organisation for professional graphic designers. It was founded in 1988 to facilitate the advancement of the graphic design profession in Australia.
Our goal is the establishment of fair and productive working relationships between graphic designers and their clients. We do this by providing designers with the tools and information to take control of their professional lives. We also work on increasing awareness of the value and importance of graphic design in business, education and culture.
We manage a program of awards, exhibitions, seminars and professional development activities for our members. Many of these activities are also available to the wider design and business communities.

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